Many apologies my dear friends who apparently DO read my blog. Suffice it to say that the past two months have been a whirlwind of summer camp, interns, short-term teams, wrap-ups, vacations, and now, shifting gears and taking off with AfterSchool Program Pilots. OH and a whole lot of wedding planning peppered in between it all. There really is no way to cover up the whole summer in one blog, so I won't. I'll focus on one part: Camp Peace.
UPH put on two bilingual vacation camps this summer, Camp Peace and Camp Joy. Camp Joy has been running since 2009 and this is the first time Camp Peace has run. I was responsible for setting up the details for both camps prior to July and directing Camp Peace once our interns and the other director, Jimmy, got here.

I had a team of 5 college-aged interns and 6 bilingual high schoolers to ran all the classes and were really the hands and feet of camp. And my job was to manage this 12-person team. Being a director is a very different experience than being a teacher or intern at a camp, mostly because I wasn't in one place consistently and I had a lot of administrative stuff to think about versus the day-to-day planning that the interns did. I learned a lot and was stretched as a leader in these two months. Being a good servant leader is not just about getting everyone to do their job and making sure people know what to do, but rather drawing the leadership out of people, seeing potential in people before they even see it and helping them realize that potential. I know this now, but that doesn't mean I'm great at it. Haha. It just means that I know part of what needs to be refined in me as a leader now. :)
It was a great summer at Camp Peace. Our team gelled really well and the kids of Camp Peace had a blast. I love my interns and miss them a lot. I love the kids of Camp Peace and miss them a lot.
BUT NOW I get to look ahead and start a new site... long-term relationships, long-term growth, long-term commitment... If I can become so attached to a group of people after only four weeks, just imagine how it will be after years!