We are in full-swing summer craziness. There is something going on almost every day and night of the week. I haven't been to Bible Study (at our local church) since the beginning of June because I have had some event or meeting or dinner to go to every Wednesday since. They are beginning to think that I don't love them. :(
As much as the craziness is crazy, I am enjoying it. Because it is so crazy, I have to make an intentional effort to get to know the people that are flying through my world in this whirlwind. But it's about quality, not quantity. A few good quality conversations and relationships can come out of a summer with a HUGE quantity of people and events.
I will leave you with a picture from our recent trip to La Antigua, Guatemala. Fausto and I went to renew our visas. It was a great time and we got to spend good, relaxing, romantic time together. This one is of an older couple who spontaneously decided to dance to the live music that was playing in the public square. They moved like they have been dancing together for a long time. They reminded me of Aunt Sissy and Uncle Fran. It made my heart smile to see them. And I'm sure the rest of the crowd had the same reaction as no one was really paying much attention to the band, but more the lovely dancers.