I've been doing exercises in the mornings here at the Segundo Piso since we got back from our Christmas holiday. For us as Americans, this is totally normal, expected even. However, for many Mexicans, the concept of doing exercise is very foreign.
One of the parts of my work-out is running up and down the stairs to our apartment as fast as I can in one minute increments. There have been a few times that the young boys next door have caught my eye as I'm huffing it up the stairs. I smile and wave, and they wave back, very amused at the sight before them. After seeing the boys, and realizing that we can see almost all that our neighbors do from our windows, it hit me that most people who live in the surrounding houses probably take note of a lot of what we do as well. I figured people wouldn't give too much thought to what we do, but I was proven wrong the other day as I ran into the convenience store next door to buy garbanzo beans for humus.
I ran into the store, greeted the owner, grabbed the beans, and then walked over to pay. As I'm taking out the money to pay, the owner tells me in a very curious voice that she sees me exercising, running up and down the stairs. I smile at her and tell her that it is indeed me she sees. I didn't put much weight in the comment, but then she continues to express her confusion and surprise. She asks me if I get tired, "No te cansas de subir y bajar asi?" I tell her that's kind of the point of exercises... to tire yourself out and make yourself stronger. She seemed very confused that I would do that to myself. She then proceeds to tell me that when she walks up a flight of stairs that her heart pounds and she gets terribly out of breath. I gave her a sympathetic look, and she told me that everytime she watches me, she tells her son that she should probably do the same.
The whole situation made me laugh. For one, you usually don't think about the fact that at any given moment, there could be a lot of people watching you do things. Just because you can't see them, doesn't mean they can't see you--especially when you're outside. Second, the fact that the concept of exercise was so strange to this woman made me think of what all the other neighbors must think, and all those who can see me from the highway as they drive by -- "What is that crazy gringa doing running up and down the stairs? Man, does she ever look tired!"
Now I wonder what they think of our jumprope clothesline... and the blindingly green curtains hung in our windows...
Perhaps I'll invite the neighbor to work out with me one day. It could be fun. I wonder if she'd do it. :o)
thoughts, experiences, life as I follow God wherever He leads, trying to live the life of a mini-Christ
actions speak louder than words
they don't understand exercise
they also watch as you adi their sommunity
prayer and worship are exercise too
excersise for the soul........
Hey Kourtney!!!!! It's Lauren use to be Daw....I found your blog and I have really enjoyed reading it and seeing all the great things about your life down in Mexico! It sounds like you are doing awesome and I am so happy!!!
sounds like Ensenada needs Dave Burris to come teach them about Physical training and the health benefits that come along with proper nutrition and training... i'll be there in 24 hrs..... let me tell the partners i'm leaving really quick, ok?
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