Friday, April 15, 2011


The past month has been a whirlwind of preparations, packing, goodbyes, questions, meetings, and emotions. I've moved out of my house in Philly [i miss my jklmn girls] and I'm back in Moorestown with Ma Burris. I end work at Center City Crime Victim Services in a week and then it will be time to really finish packing, and perhaps even sending off some stuff via USPS.

I sold my car on Monday and then rode my bike to a doctor's appointment yesterday. Baby steps. :)

I don't have much time to update on small details right now, BUT suffice it to say that fundraising for UPH is going to be my main concern starting next week (once I'm not working full time). So in light of that -- here's a link to a UPH fact-sheet that you may find interesting as you [possibly] think or pray through supporting the ministry monthly.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are my hero lady!