Monday, May 9, 2011

mom's surprise :)

On Friday night, we surprised my mom with a party for her 60th birthday. Anyone who knows my mother, knows that she looks AMAZING for 60, and therefore I have no qualms about openly sharing her age. [I hope she feels the same!]

We children had been planning this event since January of this year and felt quite proud that she had NO idea that we had planned it. We told her on Friday when she got home from school that she wasn't going to be working at Sal & Joe's and that "we kids wanted to do something special for her". The look of shock on her face told us that it all came as a complete surprise. There has been so much going on lately with family parties, Kristianna's return to the US and my upcoming [tomorrow!] departure, that she was way to preoccupied with all that to even begin to suspect anything was up.

It was a lovely evening of eating, songs (written for my mom), laughter, reminiscing, and making new memories with family and friends. My mom is pretty awesome. I'm really glad we were able to pull this off for her.

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